Adding value to the hospitality industry with an EC3 platform

December 12, 2018

Across-the-board transformation is disrupting the hospitality industry. Organisations can prepare for a future expanded loyalty ecosystem, staff-less lobbies and tech-driven guest experiences. Today many digital convenience and options continue to evolve along with mainstream consumer expectations and an Enterprise Command & Control Center platform is something that will revolutionise the hospitality industry. As technology reinvents every touch point on the travel journey, the on-site experience is no exception. Guests’ growing comfort with technology is driving several disruptive trends and an EC3 platform is an all-in-one tool to perfectionise your guest experience as well as your hotel management system.

An Enterprise Command & Control Centre (EC3) platform to uplift your hotel management system

An EC3 for the hospitality sector should effectively be the lifeblood of your property, controlling and automating any number of hotel operations. That is why a hotel’s EC3 platform is so important and why shrewd attention should be paid to it. The nature of a hotel’s EC3 platform and capability is evolving all the time and hotels need to stay up-to-date to maintain the ease of operations they now enjoy, as well as ensuring a positive experience for their guests.

It is no longer enough to control core functions like guest registration, inventory maintenance, housekeeping, and finance. The best property management systems can now encompass the all-important facets of the hotel operations – one example is the impact on guest services, loyalty and guest experience which can be improved dramatically. If an EC3 platform is not already viewed as the primary control centre for a hotel, it soon will be. Given most operations are largely integrated, no critical decisions will be enacted without first passing through a single window platform.

The features and capabilities of an EC3 platform for the hospitality management

  • Registration, guest accounting and reservations management capabilities

Guest-facing applications are hugely important for hotelier’s in regards to capturing bookings, checking-in or out, and integrating with other channels like in-room systems, central reservation systems, and online travel agents.

  • Housekeeping features

Guest satisfaction can be impacted by many factors, including housekeeping. If a room is not cleaned properly or in a timely manner, or room service and other requests aren’t fulfilled, a bad review will not be far away. A good platform will help organise this process by storing data and helping create personalised guest profiles.

  • Technology and data integration

Being a key part of day-to-day operations, it is imperative the platform integrates easily with your other technologies, such as a channel management system, and data sources to ensure everything runs smoothly.

  • Mobile capabilities

Mobile optimisation is a key component of any hotel technology, and that includes the processes involved in a property management system such as mobile check-in and communication with staff.

  • Point-of-sale features

A payment system built into a platform is perfect for processing minor guest charges such as transport tickets, attraction tickets, postage stamps, or other sundry items.

  • Performance reporting

Visibility into the key drivers of your property’s performance and revenue is essential to successful business strategy. The mountain of data hotels are sitting on is invaluable and a good platform will provide reporting capabilities.


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