Bolstering up modern buildings with smart ICT strategy

March 2, 2018

Smart Building Solutions offer reduced property costs, meaningful data to make business-critical decisions and increased building occupants well being. In all the processes involve in turning a building automated, ICT lies as one of the foundations for connected applications to function in buildings.  Connected building renders asset more reliable and promotes efficiency.  Reducing energy consumption is recognised in modern buildings as a significant design criterion.

About the basic of Smart buildings

Today we talk of smart living organism connected buildings with automated processes instead of the common traditional buildings. Sensors, actuators and microchips are the main principles that manage the functioning of the building through collection of data. In all the processes involve in turning a building smart, ICT lies as one of the basic foundation for automated  applications to function in buildings .  Reducing energy consumption is recognised as a significant design criterion for modern buildings.   The longevity, energy efficiency and comfort the offering of innovative buildings.

ICT solutions implementation for smart buildings

Applying Information Communication Technology (ICT) solutions for control systems and building automation promises efficiency and sustainability. Building control systems enable the integrated interaction of a number of technological elements such as HVAC, lighting, safety equipment etc. Advances in nanotechnologies, sensors, wireless communications and data processing enable embedding of ambient intelligence in building.

The enabling role of ICT in modern buildings:

  • Intelligent modules: Modules embedded with electronic chips, as well as the appropriate resources to achieve local computing and interact with the outside, therefore being able to manage appropriate protocols so as to acquire and supply real-time visibility into energy data.
  • Efficient communications: Allow sensors, actuators and intelligent units to communicate among them and with services over the network. They have to be based on protocols that are standardised and open.
  • Smart BMS/ECMS: Building management systems (BMS) and energy control management systems (ECMS) rely on embedded intelligent modules and efficient communications.
  • Multimodal interactive interfaces: The ultimate objective of those interfaces is to make the in-house network as simple to use as possible. These interfaces should also be means to share ambient information spaces or ambient working environments. They should adapt to the available attention of users, avoiding overloading their ‘cognitive bandwidth’ with unnecessary warnings or redundant feedbacks.
  • Wired/wireless sensors: Lots of various remote-controlled devices, with the use of such devices (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC), lighting, audio-video equipments, etc.) being currently investigated in the built environment through preliminary deployment and experimentations.

Turning buildings innovative and enjoy the flexibility features

  • With the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) in building systems, through connected temperature control, power management, lighting, and spaces, it allows better smarter performance. Data analytics  enable a continual listening and efficient  management of buildings.


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